Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Written Pattern to "Monster" Crocheted Cap!

Here is the pattern for my Monster baby hat tutorial on YouTube:
3 Month Size

Worsted Weight Yarn in any colors you like
H Hook (5mm)
yarn needle

Ch – chain
Dc – double crochet
Sc – single crochet

Beginning ch1 and ch3 do not count as stitches.

Instructions for basic hat:
Round 1: Magic Ring, ch 3, dc 10, pull ring tight, join to top ch of ch 3. (10 dc)
Round 2: Ch 3, 2 dc each ch around.  Join to top ch of ch 3. (20 dc)
Round 3: Ch 3.  *2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, repeat from * around.  Join to top ch of ch 3. (30 dc)
Round 4: Ch 3.  *2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, repeat from * around.  Join to top ch of ch 3.  (40) 
Round 5: Ch 3.  *2 dc in next dc,  dc in next 7 dc, repeat from * around.  Join to top ch of ch 3. (45 dc)
Round 6-10: Ch 3, dc in each dc around.  Join to top ch of ch 3. 

Round 11: Ch 1, 1 sc in each dc around. Join to top of ch 1. Finish off.

Round 1: Make a magic ring with black yarn, pull up a ch 1, then 10 sc in the magic loop. Join to top of ch 1, pull magic ring tight. Fasten off. (10 sc)
Round 2: Attach blue yarn. Pull up a ch 1, then 2 sc in every stitch around. Join to top of ch 1. (20 sc)
Round 3: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc from previous round, then 1 sc in next stitch. Continue w/2 sc then 1 sc around. Join to top of ch 1. Fasten off. (30 sc)
Round 4: Attach white yarn. Pull up a ch 3, dc in first sc of previous round, 1 sc in next two stitches. Continue w/2 sc then 1 sc in next two stitches around. Join to top of ch 1. Fasten off,  and leave tail long enough for sewing onto hat.. (40 dc)

Horns (Make as many as you would like):
Round 1: Make a magic ring with grey yarn, pull-up a ch 1, then 6 single crochets in the loop. Join to top of ch 1, pull ring tight. (6 sc)
Round 2: Ch 1, then single crochet in each stitch around. .Join to top of ch 1. (6 sc)
Round 3: Ch 1, then 2 single crochet in first stitch, 1 sc in next stitch - repeat around. Join to top of ch 1. (9 sc)
Round 4: Ch 1, then single crochet in each stitch around. Join to top of ch 1. (9 sc)
Round 5: Ch 1, then 2 single crochet in first stitch, 1 sc in next stitch - repeat around, ending with 2 sc in last stitch. .Join to top of ch 1. (14 sc)
Round 6: Single crochet around. Fasten off, and leave a long enough tail to sew to the top of the hat. (14 sc)

Weave in hat ends, then fold hat so seam is toward the back. Attach eye, then sew on horns. Weave in all ends and enjoy!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Nail Art Close-Ups!

Here are some stills of the last few nail designs featured on my YouTube channel:

New Arrival!

Hi, guys! It has been a while since I checked in here on my blog! As you know, life has been busy with family and my new little girl just having arrived on June 29, 2014! I am taking a moment to share some newborn pics, and say "Hello!" I hope you all have been well! To keep up with my YouTube channel during the baby's arrival time, I stockpiled videos that I was able to upload in a timely manner....but now I'm back! LOL! I have lots of new videos coming up for you, as well as some new reviews from companies that I have not reviewed for before! Very exiting new stuff!!

Here are the pics, and I'll see you all soon!